If you want to access the IPXO Marketplace within the Portal, you need to add your company. Follow the steps below to learn how to add a company and also add additional companies.

Step 1

Log in to the Portal, go to Lease (1) -> Marketplace (2) and click on "Add Company":

Add Company

Step 2

Select the primary use of the IPXO Marketplace and click Next.

Step 3

Provide your Company information and click Next

Add new company

Provide your Company Address and click Confirm.

Provide company address

We will review the information you submit within 24 hours. Then, your company will become active.

How to add a new company

You can add more than one company to the IPXO Portal using one account.

Go to Portal and click on you name icon. Select: Settings and Billing (1) -> Companies (2) and click on "Add Company" (3)

Add additional company to your account

Select the primary use of IPXO Marketplace and provide the required information as demonstrated above.

We will review the information you submit within 24 hours. Then, your company will become active.

Learn more