Reserve Subnet is an IPXO Marketplace feature that allows the IP owner to hide their subnet(s) from the market and create a reservation ID. The reservation ID allows leasing the subnet directly to the chosen client.

How to hide the subnet from the Marketplace

First, log in to the IPXO Portal and navigate to My Resources (IPAM) -> My Monetized IPs.

Find the subnet you wish to hide from the Marketplace, click the three dots on the right and then click Subnet Details.

IMPORTANT: The subnet cannot be currently leased. To demonstrate, we use a subnet that has 0 leased IPs.

How to access Subnet Details in the My Monetized IPs menu

Click the Edit button in the top-right corner to change the settings of the subnet.

How to edit a subnet in the IPXO Portal

Find the Reserve toggle and slide it to ON (the color changes from gray to blue).

How to hide subnets from the Marketplace in the IPXO Portal

Once you click Next, you can update the pricing of the subnet. To finalize, click Reserve and move to the subnet's Subnet Settings page. Under Subnet setup on the right, you can find the Reservation ID.  

Reservation ID in the Subnet setup information

At this point, your subnet is hidden from the Marketplace and is visible only to you and those you share your Reservation ID with.

How to use the Reservation ID

If an IP holder shares a reservation ID with you, you can find a subnet that is otherwise not visible on the Marketplace.

First, log in to the IPXO Portal and click Marketplace in the menu at the top.

In the Search menu, click Advanced filters. Now, paste your reservation ID into the Reservation ID field and click Search. 

How to search subnets by Reservation ID in the IPXO Marketplace

You should find only one subnet in the Search results list. Click the cart button on the right and continue with the order procedure. 

How to pay for a reserved subnet in the IPXO Portal