Disclaimer: This guide focuses on a specific aspect of the Google Cloud BYOIP process, explaining how to assign a Google Cloud ASN to your leased subnet. For details on announcing the subnet, refer to the official Google Cloud BYOIP guide.
Step 1: Lease a Subnet
Log in to the IPXO portal. Click on “Lease” and go to the “Marketplace” to lease your desired subnet.

Step 2: Access your leased IPs
Following a successful lease, go to the IPXO portal. Select “Lease” (1) and click “My Leased IPs” (2) from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Assign your leased subnet
Find the subnet that you want to bring to Google Cloud and click “Assign” (3).
In the “Add AS Organisation” section, you will need to assign the Google Cloud AS number. This step is crucial as it allows Google Cloud to advertise your leased range on the provided ASN. The Google Cloud AS number is AS396982. Type it in and click the “Add” button which will become active.
Please note that in order to avoid routing problems, part of the subnet cannot be announced on another ASN or with another data center. For example, if you lease a /23 subnet, neither of its two /24 child subnets can be announced or used elsewhere.
Step 4: Confirming the ROA creation
You will receive a letter from the IPXO team upon successful creation of the ROA record.
Step 5: Follow Google Cloud BYOIP instructions
After receiving the ROA record confirmation letter, proceed further with the instructions on the Google Cloud BYOIP guide.
Important: To BYOIP to Google, you will need to create PTR records, which will be provided by Google. To add these PTR records, please use IPXO Platform and follow this guide: Managing rDNS for IP Lesees at IPXO.