For more information about the Routing dashboard for IP Management users refer to this article: Routing dashboard. 

RPKI Management views 

The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) management in IPXO interface provides three main views to help manage their RPKI resources effectively. These views are: 

  1. Organizations: This view allows to view and manage organization's RPKI resources, including certificates and Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs). 
  1. Issued ROAs: This view helps to track and manage issued ROAs, including their status and expiration dates. 
  1. ROA suggestions: This view provides suggestions for potential ROAs to issue based on the organization's IP address allocations and announcements. 

Organization View

Our system systematically consolidates all organization-related information into a standardized table format, offering users a centralized view for easy access and management. This article provides an overview of the essential components and functionalities of this table. 

  • Organization (1): This column displays the names of the organizations that are registered within the system. 
  • RIR (Regional Internet Registry) (2): This column indicates the respective RIR associated with each organization. 
  • IPv4 Resources (3): This column shows the IPv4 resources that have been allocated or assigned to each organization. 
  • IPv6 Resources (4): This column indicates the IPv6 resources that have been allocated or assigned to each organization. 

Route Origin Authorizations view

Detailed information regarding Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) associated with specific prefixes can be seen here. Users can access this information by clicking on the desired prefix.  

The "Issued ROAs" view provides insights into the issued ROAs for the selected prefix: 

  • Prefix (1): Shows the specific network identification for which ROAs have been issued. 
  • Max Length (2): Specifies the maximum authorized length of the prefix route by the ROA. 
  • ASN (Autonomous System Number) (3): Displays the Autonomous System Number associated with the ROA.

Exploring ROA Suggestions 

A feature that allows users to optimize Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) associated with specific prefixes is provided here. To access this feature, click on the desired prefix.  

The "ROA Suggestions" view will provide tailored insights into recommended ROAs for the selected prefix or organization. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of the components and functionalities of this ROA Suggestions view. 

  • Prefix (1): This column lists the prefix for which ROA suggestions are provided, giving specific network identification. 
  • Announcing ASN (2): This column indicates the Autonomous System Number responsible for announcing the prefix. 
  • Issued ROA (3): This column specifies whether a ROA has been issued for the prefix. 
  • Max Length: This column specifies the maximum length of the prefix route recommended by the ROA. 
  • Analysis Status (4): This column indicates the status of the analysis for the suggested ROA, providing insights into its validity or optimization potential. 

IRR Management view

The design of the IRR Objects table is focused on simplicity and clarity, providing users with an intuitive interface to review and manage their Internet Routing Registry (IRR)-related data. With filterable columns and, where applicable, sortable columns, users can tailor their view to suit their specific needs, leading to a more efficient and user-friendly experience. This article outlines the key features and benefits of the IRR Objects table design, with a focus on the IPXO client-facing and IRR management functionalities. 

  • Prefix (1): The Route Objects view displays the Prefix associated with each route object, offering precise network identification for IP routing configurations. 
  • ASN (Autonomous System Number) (2): Users can view the ASN associated with each route object, facilitating understanding of the originating autonomous system for IP routes. 
  • Maintainer (3): Information regarding the Maintainer responsible for managing the route object is provided, ensuring clarity on the entity maintaining the routing information. 
  • Source (4): The Source field indicates the source of the route object, providing insights into the origin of the routing data and its credibility. 

Benefits of IRR and RPKI management

Our system is designed to empower you to make informed decisions and streamline your IP management process. You can easily access and analyze the information you need to optimize your organization's operations with various tailored views, sorting, filtering, and customization options. 

The IRR Management view is a crucial feature of our platform that enhances your visibility, understanding, and management of IP routing configurations. By providing you with access to essential details from WHOIS/RADB databases, such as Prefix, ASN, Maintainer, and Source, this feature inspires you to take control of your network's configuration and achieve a more efficient network management process.